Tàu điện Bờ Hồ

Mạn đầu Hồ Hoàn Kiếm (phía tây-bắc)
Haut du Petit Lac

Hà nội, mồng 1 tháng giêng 1952
Vous souhaite toutes sortes de bonnes choses, bonheur, santé, satisfactions de tous ordres pour vous deux et les vôtres à l'occasion de l'année nouvelle.
2 commentaires:
Your website is very nice and has a pleasing well ordered design. (...) As you already know, picture postcards from the Indochina period are hard to get and expensive because many people want them. I will watch for nice Ha Noi items and will send scans to you. In America, collectors have no idea of how rare a Ha Noi view might be so no matter what the picture side shows, all are priced at USD$5-15. (...) Your tramway postcard with the SP 50000 number in manuscript at the top was sent by a French colonial soldier since SP numbers were sometimes used to identify their military units. I saw hundreds of Indochina postcards the last time I visited Paris but the prices were very bad - 10-75 USD$ for even common views such those of the large lake and park in Ha Noi.
Bob, OH (USA)
Thank you so much for such an informative comment. Kind regards.
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