Khách sạn Sài gòn

Saigon Hotel and typical Vietnamese transportation.
Collection de Mike Roberts
Gửi ngày 30 tháng bảy năm 1966?
Hi boss,
Hope all is well. Only 93 days to go. Say hi to all. I see Tom Bourlier made 2/lt and will come over here. Do you know where and what company? Please pass on to me if you do. I have a friend of his, Ed Smith. May need job upon return. Can drive truck or jeep. Will be glad to get back. Life here is really not bad, however. Use the camp much? Have a swim on me. Good luck in selling flowers. Your friend, Tom
Tiếng hát Ngọc Lan
Mùa đông sắp đến trong thành phố (Đức Huy)