vendredi 27 août 2010

Ngày mùa

Ngày mùa

VIỆT-NAM * Gặt lúa
Le moissonnage - The harvest.

Gửi từ APO 143 San Francisco, California ngày 27 tháng tám 1964
đến địa chỉ RIVER HOUSE, Apt #A-301
1600 South Joyce Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202
Wednesday, August 26, 1964
Dear Mary,
After two attempts I finally got your records in the mail today. I'm so happy for that! (Had I sent them airmail it would have cost over $11.00. Since there's no hurry ~ especially as far as you're concerned I sent them by surface so you won't receive them until October. I'm sure as I don't think I'll have your usual luck ! Just in case you and Sibyl would like the time switches I told her about. I bought two in the PX today while they were available. If you're not interested it's all right. I can always use them. Love, P
Tiếng hát Thái Thanh & Ý Lan
Bài ca sao - Nụ tầm xuân

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