vendredi 30 avril 2010

Đêm nhớ về Sài Gòn

Thiếu nữ Việt-nam

Jeune Vietnamienne
Vietnamese girl

APO 143, San Francisco, California
Gửi ngày 25 tháng tư 1964
Đến địa chỉ 1600 South Joyce Street (Arlington, Virginia)
Friday, April 24. 1964 - 5:55 p.m
Dear Mary,
I can't believe it's not only the end of another day but another week as well. This week has been a busy one in my office. As long as it's not hectic I like it (busy) that way. In a few minutes I'll be on my way to the main USOM building to work another 3 or 4 hrs. I'm not tired so I don't mind and it's fun (some fun !) to add up overtime although I'm not doing it to buy anything in particular ~ at least I don't have any deisres at the moment, except a new gold watch band to replace one I bought in Paris quite a few years ago. I have missed you a lot lately. I sure wish I could drop in to see you just for a little visit and a GOOD cup of coffee ! Love. PHYLLIS
Hi Sibyl !
Đêm nhớ về Sài Gòn (Trầm Tử Thiêng)
Đêm nhớ trăng Sài Gòn
Thơ Du Tử Lê - Nhạc Phạm Đình Chương

samedi 17 avril 2010


Hàng rong

SAIGON * Hàng rong - Une marchande ambulante - An itinerant dealerwoman
Gửi ngày 17 tháng tư 1964
APO 143

Thursday, April 15. 1964
Dear Mary.
It seems that nowadays one can't be too long happy about anything for long! I was relieved when the cholera epidemic reached its peak and then subsided. Now we're plagued with the plague and were required to go over to the main USOM building (this morning) for the plague vaccination. I almost backed out when I saw the nurses giving "shots" with what I refer to as a "riveting machine". However, I decided not to take any chances because I feel the situation must be very serious for mass vaccination to be given all of a sudden! I'm glad I talked sensibly to myself because it took only a second and didn't hurt at all like the cholera shot did!
Love, P
Hi Sibyl !
Tiếng hát Ý Lan & Vũ Khanh

mercredi 7 avril 2010

Buffles en charrue

Cày bừa

Cầy ruộng - Ploughing - En charrue
Gửi từ Nam Việt-nam (APO 143, San Francisco, Cal.) ngày mồng 9 tháng tư 1964
Đến địa chỉ 1600 South Joyce Street (Arlington, Virginia, 22202)

Tuesday, 7 April 1964
Hello again !
I wrote to you earlier this morning and said I was so sorry not to have heard from you and then, just as though my wishes were heard by someone, out of a clear blue sky one hour later I received your most welcome letter of the 2nd along with a nice letter from Dolly ! Thanks so much for writing. Your letters mean so very much -- Sibyl's, too ! Love,
Please do keep list of music. I'm delighted some day you might be interested !

dimanche 4 avril 2010

Des crachins retardataires

Cảnh đồng quê

Việt-Nam * Cảnh đồng quê
Vie de campagne - Country life
Chrononically, this is the first in a group of eleven postcards sent by an American servicewoman to the same person between April and October, 1964. It is a possibility that these eleven cards are not all that she sent to her friend while she was serving in South Vietnam. Nevertheless, these cards, which will appear one by one on my blog, will give you her insight and thoughts concerning such things as a cholera epidemic, communists' terrorist activities and other events she witnessed while in Vietnam. Thanks to these short written messages, we are able to learn and share in an American military woman's observations detailing her life while she was working as an agent for USOM (the United States Operations Mission) in Vietnam, a long way from home.

Special thanks to Robert Bird (Jesup, GA) and Robert Munshower (Westlake, OH)

Friday, March 27. 1964
Dear Mary,
It's almost the end of another day as well as another week. It's a noisy ending as Vietnamese carpenters are putting up barriers outside our windows which the VC's aren't going to like one bit nor will a few other people as it will give the impression we are "demonstrating a lack of calm and a frightened attitude towards the Comminists' terrorist activities !" We will probably receive requests to remove these "unpleasant barriers". I fell in the mood to write to you today but after writing a long overdue letter to Sibyl I had to go back to work. I must write quite a few letters this weekend, especially to Bena to not only thank her for the salami I just rec'd but also for a lovely newsy letter!

jeudi 1 avril 2010

Un paysage paisible

Tháp Rùa

Gửi từ Hà nội ngày mồng 3 tháng tư 1968
đến địa chỉ Budapest V, Hung-ga-ri

Mester Károly elv.(elvtárs)
Főoszt. vez. (főosztályvezető)
Budapest V. ker.
Nádor utca
Országos Tervhivatal
Elvtársi üdvözletem küldöm a távoli Vietnamból
Köszönöm Turzó Antal.
Merci Turzó Antal de Szeged en Hongrie.

Version vietnamienne