dimanche 25 juillet 2010

Bà đầm xoè

La Statue de la Liberté

31. - HANOI. - La Statue de la Liberté sur la Place Neyret
Tượng Thần Tự do tại Quảng trường Neyret.
Collection des Grands Magasins Réunis (Hanoi)


Gửi từ Hà nội ngày 25 tháng bảy 19.. ..
Đến Monsieur Loiseau, Sergeant Télégraphiste en Construstion de ligne à Laokay - Chapa

25 juillet
Bon séjour là-bas. Amitiés
En 1887, à l’occasion de la première Exposition de Hanoï , une réplique de la statue de la Liberté y fut transportée de France. Elle ne mesurait que trois mètres de hauteur. Certes, elle était beaucoup moins imposante par rapport à celle installée à New York , aux Etats-Unis.
La loge “La Fraternité Tonkinoise” a , dit-on , acheté la statue pour l’exposition et puis elle l’a offerte à la ville de Hanoï. La statue de la Liberté éclairant le Monde était située sur la Place Neyret jusqu’au premier août 1945. Ce jour-là , point culminant de la fièvre nationaliste , elle fut démontée suite à l’ordre du premier maire vietnamien de Hanoï , le docteur Tran Van Lai. 


Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude envers Serge, qui m'a généreusement offert cette pièce de souvenir.

mercredi 21 juillet 2010

Une autre image de Dalat


DALAT - Hồ Than Thở
Lake of Sighs
Lac des Soupirs

Gửi từ APO 143, San Francisco - California
Đến địa chỉ River House, Apt. #A-301
1600 South Joyce Street (Arlington, Virginia)


Tuesday morning
July21, 1964

Dear Mary,
Many thanks for your very nice letter which I received yesterday along with Sibyl's nice card. Please thank her also. It was wonderful hearing from you both! Hope to get a letter off to you today. If I don't get a chance this will at least let you know I'm thinking of you. Am very happy you would like me to send the brass plaques. Will try to get them off today. Airmail may be too expensive. If so will send them by surface so it will be 5-6 wks before you will get them. Love, P

Tiếng hát Khánh Hà
Tiếng hát Ý Lan

mardi 20 juillet 2010

Cap Saint Jacques

Vũng tàu

Thích Ca Phật đài
Gửi từ APO 143 San Francisco, California ngày 20 tháng bảy 1964
đến địa chỉ River House, Apt. #A-301
1600 South Joyce Street (Arlington, Virginia)

Friday morning, July 17, 1964
Dear Mary,
I hope later on today I'll be able to write to you in reply to your very nice letter of the 9th. A staff meeting is scheduled for 11 a.m soperhaps I will be able to do it then, otherwise I'll write during the weekend as I have no special plans. I could go to Cap St Jacques this weekend as my friend is still trying to get me to change my mind, but he won't succeed as it just isn't safe or sane to go. Yesterday I received a new muffler the Porsche Car Pacific Inc in San Francisco. It didn't arrive any too soon as I don't have any muffler at all and if I don't keep my new windows open I can be asphyxiated as you know! Love,

samedi 17 juillet 2010

Đà lạt


Dalat Thác Pongour
Chute Pongour
Pongour Waterfall
Gửi từ địa chỉ APO 143, San Francisco, California
đến địa chỉ River House, Apt. #A-301
1600 South Joyce Street (Arlinton, Virginia)
8:15 am. , Wednesday, July 15, 1964
Dear Mary,
Thank you very much for your nice long newsy letter of the 9th which I was so happy to receive yesterday! Just ten minutes before it was time for me to go to luch the courrier brought it to me. I was delighted ~ especially since I had reconciled myself to the fact that I wouldn't hear from you until Thursday. I hope to get an opportunity to write to you today but if I don't then I will write to you for sure togight. Meanwhile I've enjoyed "chatting" with you for a few minutes. Love to you and Silbyl. P
You'll see (Madonna)

mercredi 14 juillet 2010

Le 14 Juillet

Monument "La France"

3143. TONKIN - Hanoï - Monument " LA FRANCE " près du Palais du Gouvernement Général
Hà nội - Tượng đài " Pháp quốc" gần Phủ Toàn quyền.
Collection de P. Dieulefils


Gửi từ Hà nội ngày 12 tháng chín 1912
Đến địa chỉ 4, rue Rallier - Ille et Vilaine ngày mồng 5 tháng mười 1912


10/9 - 12
R. en France p. c. de maladie

Aujourd''hui, c'est le 14 juillet.
Bonne fête à tous mes (très) chers amis Serge (75) , Dominique (45) , Gérard et Colette (06), Bertrand (84), Henri (75), Anne-Sophie (69), Pierre (50) , etc.